Eight Easy Ways You Can Help the Environment
If you’re anything like us, you’re always looking for ways to test your limits and live life responsibly. There’s always room to improve, and that includes how we treat the environment. We’re facing several global crises - from our plastic pollution problem to carbon emissions. That also means there are lots of opportunities for you to make small changes that can make a big difference, like choosing sustainable fashion, taking public transport, and more. Here’s what you can modify in your daily life to save the planet.
Eight Daily Changes to Save the Planet
One of the biggest issues we face today is single-use plastic. It’s everywhere - food packaging, coffee cups, bags, and more. In fact, we produce 300 million tons of plastic each year globally, and half of that goes to single-use items. To put that into perspective, we’re creating close to the weight of the entire human population every year in plastic. About 91% of plastic isn’t recycled, so we truly need to reduce what we’re consuming.
How do we do so? Reusables! There’s a reusable option for just about everything - You can bring your own grocery bags, produce bags, water bottles, cutlery, to-go food containers, and more. Rather than accepting single-use plastic, bring your own items instead.
2. Opt for Sustainable Fashion
The fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries on the planet. It’s responsible for up to 10% of global CO2 emissions. It’s also liable for using much of our freshwater supply while simultaneously polluting water sources. Then there’s the issue with end-of-life care. Production of clothing doubled between 2000 and 2015, but the number of times we wore each item of clothing dropped by 36%. In other words, we’re buying more clothing than ever, wearing it for a shorter period of time, and then throwing it out. Much of the clothing is also made from synthetic materials - essentially, plastic. Since these fabrics release microplastics into the environment every time they’re washed, this poses an additional impact on the planet.
The answer? Shop sustainable fashion! Sustainable fashion brands, like Life Limitz, use more responsible materials, like recycled polyester or organic cotton. We also aim to be more transparent about our production practices and work with manufacturers to limit the impact that our clothing has on the environment. See for yourself by shopping our men’s and women’s collections.
3. Say No
We have a surplus of stuff. Every time we make a purchase or accept an item, we drive demand for it, which means manufacturers will produce even more stuff. That production has an environmental impact - sourcing the materials, burning energy to create the product, and transportation all have environmental costs. Plus, many of these items eventually end up in landfills.
We can avoid creating demand by saying no. Refuse new items that you don’t need. Say no to free promo items, like plastic water bottles at the gym or notebooks from vendors at work. Say no to purchasing items just because there’s a sale. Say no to takeaway coffee cups and bring your own. Just say no!
4. Use What’s On Hand
On the same note, use what you already have. You might be tempted to try the latest trend in skincare or technology, but if you already have a similar version of the same product at home, use that first! Remember, by purchasing new items you drive demand. You’re in control - so vote with your dollar by saving it and using what you already have on hand.
5. Take the Bus
In 2020, the global transportation sector released 7.3 billion metric tons of CO2. That’s about 27% of all CO2 emissions. Of those transportation emissions, passenger cars were responsible for 41%. In other words, people are choosing to use their personal vehicles to get places and are causing the greatest CO2 emissions. By comparison, buses accounted for just 7% and trains 3%.
You can make a huge difference in CO2 emissions by simply choosing to take public transportation. These systems run regardless of who’s on them, so those CO2 emissions are set. You can completely eliminate your transportation emissions by taking the bus or train, so do so whenever possible!
6. Consider Your Plate
Animals are, perhaps, an unexpected contributor to climate change. In particular, raising cattle for meat has one of the highest greenhouse gas emissions associated with it. While we often discuss CO2 when considering emissions, cows release methane - a greenhouse gas that can be 34 times more damaging to the planet over time than CO2. And raising just 3.5 ounces of beef releases 110lb (50kg) of greenhouse gases.
Meanwhile, vegetables and plant-based protein, like soy and tofu, have the least impact. Still, it’s worth noting that even the next most polluting source of animal protein, lamb, is 50% less polluting than beef. So, aim to eat less beef and less meat overall, when possible. No need to go full-on vegan if you don’t want to - just try to limit your consumption and you can create a huge impact.
7. Get Locally Active
Your local politicians need your vote to maintain their roles in the government. That means they care about what you care about - their job depends on it! You might not do this on a daily basis, but set aside some time once a week or month to reach out to your local representatives. Ask them what they’re doing about climate change and plastic pollution. Are they working on any new bills? Are they trying to bring more recycling to the area? New regulations for businesses? By letting them know you care about the environment, you influence them to take action.
8. Spread the Love
While your personal efforts to support the environment are huge and do have an effect, there’s also strength in numbers. The more people we can get working toward sustainability, the better off we all are! So share the knowledge with your friends, family, and coworkers. Talk about it on social media. Even by simply bringing your own water bottle or wearing sustainable fashion, you can spark inspiration and start conversations about sustainability. You never know who you’ll motivate just by taking a few small steps toward becoming more eco-friendly!
Ready to press your limits with sustainability? Shop sustainable fashion here and be sure to leave a comment below letting us know what changes you’re committing to!